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Oatly case study: revolutionizing supply chain performance through connected planning
29th November 2pm GMT | 3pm CET | 9 am ET - ONLINE EVENT
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Connected Processes for a VUCA World


This engaging one hour webinar features Masoud Zanganeh, Director of Integrated Business Planning at Oatly, the leading dairy alternative food company, detailing their journey to find the right planning processes to grant end-to-end supply chain visibility that remain efficient through fast scaling.


Accommodating regional differences in demand, managing factories spanning three continents, and achieving data visibility for more accurate supply & inventory planning: learn from Oatly’s incredible journey. 

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Anaplan Speaker Bios

Masoud Zanganeh
Masoud Zanganeh - Director of Integrated Business Planning, Oatly
Maria VB
Maria Villablanca - Co-Founder and CEO, Future Insights Network
Tom McDonough
Tom McDonough - Senior Director Supply Chain Solutions, Anaplan
Hendrik De Cuyper
Hendrik de Cuyper - Head of Anaplan Sales, Bluecrux

Oatly Background


Oatly is a Swedish food company that produces leading dairy alternatives from oats. Since launching in 1994, Oatly leaders have put sustainability at the center of their mission.


Despite achieving colossal growth, and international brand recognition, a lack of visibility was creating difficulties for scenario planning capabilities. Oatly supply chain executives needed to implement new planning strategies to maintain growth and success with more visibility across their supply chain – a vital need in this VUCA world.

With factories in Asia, America and Europe, standardization and improved processes were key to Oatly.

Oatly’s global presence demanded connected planning with the flexibility and resilience to adjust supply based on timely insight to changes in demand such as large retail promotions.





In 2021, Oatly began their Connected Planning journey began through implementing demand planning and Integrated Business Planning (IBP) for insight into regional differences. Greater visibility across Oatly teams and locations enabled more accurate supply & inventory planning, answering the questions: what should be produced, when should it be produced, and where should it be produced


New planning processes implemented with Anaplan allow Oatly to remain resilient in the face of volatility with the flexibility to maintain their new tool’s benefits throughout rapid growth and change.  


What have Oatly learned from these new processes? In short: Data, Data, Data. 


The visibility of data across the board allows for well-rounded and accurate planning capabilities like never before. One thing Oatly describes as a new must is the importance of processes before tools. Cementing necessary processes in place as priority, enables scaling at large without losing key organizational structures. 


The organization’s new planning capabilities, promote greater visibility and knowledge that can inform not only Oatly’s demand and inventory planning, but work to better meet the brand’s sustainability goals in line with their wider goals.

Anaplan Speaker Bios

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